BTN: FOOD WASTE (14.26 - 18.12)
This report looks at why a lot of food in Australia ends up in the bin and what we can do to minimize the waste.
Focus Questions:
Look at the BTN news item and answer these GENERAL questions about the text.
Why is a lot of food wasted in countries like Australia? For example, in people's homes? On farms? In shops?
Sometimes we eating a meal and we are so full just can't finish it and usually throw in the rubbish bin. But it's not just at home where food can be wasted. Farmers growing bananas in Queensland will throw away up to a third of their crop. In shop maybe the colour's not so good and lot of the fruit and vegetables wasted so much .
Why are consumers to blame for a lot of the fruit and vegetables that get thrown in the bin at shops?
Maybe just the colour's not so good.
What can we do to waste less food?
Well if we can't finish our lunch or dinner we can always pop it in the fridge and eat it later.
Now, watch the report again and answer these questions. DO NOT READ THE TEXT.
1. In Australia, how much money is spent on food that isn't eaten? …………………………….
A: Each year Australians spend 5 billion dollars on food that they don't even eat
2. How many kilos of food each year is thrown out? ……………………………… per person
A: 140 kilos/ per person
3. How much of their crop do banana growers in Queensland throw out?
Up to ………………………
A: Farmers growing bananas in Queensland will throw away up to a third of their crop.
4. What can you do to waste less food? (Note down one thing mentioned)
A: Well if we can't finish our lunch or dinner we can always pop it in the fridge and eat it later. Another good idea is to make a food diary to see how much food we eat and how much we throw away over a week. That way we should have a good idea what food we really need when we head to the shops and what in our fridge might be going to waste.
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